Jazz Bowl, c. 1931
Viktor Schreckengost
Narva is Liberated!, July 27, 1944
Viktor P. Sokolov
Donbass Is Reviving!, September 1944
Viktor P. Sokolov
Glory to Railway Workers, Heroes of Socialist Labor, August 4, 1945
Viktor P. Sokolov
The Fascist Fanatic Vampire Must Be Brought Before The World's Court!, 1944
Viktor N. Deni
Untitled, 1995
Viktor Kolář
Untitled, from the series "Ostrava", 1988
Viktor Kolář
The Monster Has Nowhere To Hide!, 1945
Viktor N. Deni
Untitled, from the series "Ostrava", 1994
Viktor Kolář
Patriots of Yugoslavia!, June 12, 1944
Pavel P. Sokolov-Skalia
Untitled, 1989
Viktor Kolář
Untitled, 1994
Viktor Kolář
Untitled, from the series "Ostrava", 1992
Viktor Kolář